Mi Box S 4k Oyun Kolu. No other TV box can beat the features with this 50 box I missed period when this box went on sales 6 months ago. Runs on the latest Android TV 81 is easy to use supports voice controls such as Netflix VUDUYouTube SlingTV. Film Muezik Oyun Siparis Takip.
Xiaomi tv box 3 icin gamepad almayi duesuenueyorum. Mi box ile calisti gamepadi ilk kez eslestirieken kutunun icindeki kullanma kilavuzunu degil kuecuek bir not cikiyor onu dikkate alin.
It has built-in Google Assistance and Chromecast Due to COVID-19 the ongoing health and containment emergency measures may cause service delays at logistic couriers and Xiaomi authorized service centers until further.
Tek bir tusla kablosuz ekran yansitma Telefon tablet veya laptop da dahil olmak uezere neredeyse her cihazi yansitin TV. Kablolu eski bi r gamepad taktim ama olmadi. Xiaomi Mi Box S 4K Android TV Box Media Player HDR - Dolby DTS - Chromecast Bu ueruene henuez yorum yapilmadi. Kalitesini anlayabilmek icin biraz zaman gecmesi lazim.