Fanuc Robot Kol. Robots to help you reach your manufacturing goals in any industry. 10 kg erISIm mesafesI maks. Yueksek kalite Kararli Performans ile Yueksek Hizli Otomatik Robotik Kol Kuecuek Fanuc Robot Cinden Cin lider delta robot arm Ueruen siki kalite kontrol ile fanuc industrial robots fabrikalar yueksek kalite ueretmek fanuc industrial robots Ueruenler.
Duenya robot pazarinin lideri 1956 yilinda kurulmus japon firma. Robots to help you reach your manufacturing goals in any industry.
The FANUC Robot i series is a series of highly reliable intelligent robots with the sophisticated advanced controller R-30 i B with intelligence and networking for versatile applications.
260 kg taSima kapasItesI. Yueksek kalite Mini Fanuc Robot Kol LR Mate 200iD Enduestri Zemininde Bas Asagi Acili Kurulum Cinden Cin lider delta robot arm Ueruen siki kalite kontrol ile fanuc industrial robots fabrikalar yueksek kalite ueretmek fanuc industrial robots Ueruenler. Kuka Kr 210 Krc2 Robot Kol. Bunlarin yaklasik 6 kadari diger makine ve enduestri ekipmani 3 manipuelatoer.